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Privacy Policy

In today's world with the increased risk of unauthorized data and privacy breaches,

Cenplus is committed to providing superior customer service, and protecting our customers' personal information is extremely important to us.

This Privacy Policy outlines how Cenplus collects, uses, shares, protects and holds your personal information.

Types of information we collect

Cenplus collects personal information from our customers when it is reasonably necessary for our business purposes.

That means, we collect information to supply you with the products you have asked for and to provide you with the best possible service.

Information collected may include your name, address, date of birth, gender, contact details, payment information, credit information & driver's licence.

Cenplus may also collect personal information from your visits to our websites for Cenplus's marketing and statistical purposes.

Cenplus collects information (including but not limited to personal information) regarding the use of our services in order to comply with the

Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Amendment (Data Retention) Act 2015 (Cth) (DRA).

The DRA requires Cenplus to collect information about the type of and use of services we provide,

including but not limited to: the source and destination of communications such as emails and phone calls;

connection and disconnection of internet and WAN services and the assignation of IP addresses.

The DRA precludes the collection of internet browsing data and the content of any communication.

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